miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011



The invasion from Germany to Poland, the 1st. September 1939, and the Japanese attack to the American naval base of Pearl Harbor, the 7th. December 1941, were the detonating circumstances of the second World War.  It  meant 6 long years of a crazy fight, finishing it in Europe the 8th. May 1945,  with the surrender of the Hitler Nazism, and finally the 15th. August 1945, with the Japanese surrender, as  a consequence of two USA nuclear attacks, the first one on the Hiroshima city, the 6th. August 1945, and the second one, on  the Nagasaki city, le 9th. August 1945. As a result of both attacks, 140.000 persons were dead in Hiroshima, and 80.000 in Nagasaki, most of them civilians.

Six long years, exactly 2155 days, was the time that the Planet was involved, in a crazy human, material and moral destruction. Over 50 million persons were dead during that time, so a number of 23.200 persons daily disappeared, during  these 2155 fatidic days.

The precedent statistics would remain incomplete, if half a million persons dead during the Civil Spanish War, were not added to those figures. The war started le 18th. July 1936, and was finished the 1st. April 1939; that tragedy,  was  a taste of  the Hitler Nazism.

These frightening  historic numbers , are no doubt impressive for people ignoring  them, but remain as undeletable memories, for those generations who have suffered the tragedy.

It would be not necessary to transcribe the above  written data; a simple look on our contemporary History would have confirmed it; we have estimated it was appropriate, to establish a painful comparison with the news  broadcast by the Spanish TV on the 17th. October 2011:  “According to the ONU, 25.000 persons die daily, because of hunger”. Only persons suffering starvation can understand this human drama, being fortunate to have overcome it!,  but not for the 25.000 persons concerned ( mainly children and old people).

That is why, we have taken the past historic data; comparing those old statistics with the modern ones, we realize that the number of persons who died during those 2155 tragic days, has now reached 25.000  people daily due to a silent  and shameful “Pandemic Hunger”. This situation, should compel the members of the G-20, as well as the members of the G-178, both representing the 198 countries of the World, to consider this serious situation. How long will the human consciences remain insensible to this painful drama?.  If  the “Masters of the World” don’t  assume the responsibility of this big problem,  should be incumbent upon us to require them, to pay due attention to this tragedy.

Should they be able (those leaders), to include in their Agenda, such a priority theme, during their next meeting in Cannes?,  or will they continue acting as they are still lost, among the meanders of their economical and financial problems?, but even worst,  would they still be  wasting our Public Money in regrettable conflicts and arm races?.  In order for these “Ministers”, to be aware of how important  the gravity of the problem concerned is  , we should recommend them, that their future meetings, take alternatively place, in each one of their invaded, outraged, robbed, and destroyed ancient colonies.

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